Research thrives when new insights are widely understood, critically examined, and easily found by other researchers.
Therefore, for us, sharing research effectively with other researchers means more than just a document and a talk. It means breaking the research down to make initial digestion easier. It means discussion and interaction. It means shared questioning, speculation and scrutiny. And it means storing all this shared insight in ways that make it rediscoverable by those who want it, when they want it.
We run enjoyable online conferences and produce engaging research talks, rebuilt from the ground up to satisfy these values.
Let us know if you want to run an event about your research topic, or produce a talk about your recent paper.
Conference from Home events
Most online conferences try to copy in-person events. This is a bit like holding a running competition underwater.
A good online conference is very different to a good in-person one, and provides different value to researchers. Optimally sharing our research with each other requires both.
Our Conference from Home format, pioneered and developed by the annual Cosmology from Home, is very different to an in-person event.
Cosmology from Home is very popular in the cosmology community and every year hundreds of participants choose to attend it instead of concurrent in-person events.
- Participants are never forced to sit passively at their computers, staring at a screen, unable to interact.
- The social norms that make great online conferences work are constantly encouraged.
- There are permanent online spaces where people can interact whenever they want to.
- Discussions are recorded to turn them into long term resources for the community.

For more details about how we do this, and what some of those good social norms are, check out what we say at Cosmology from Home.
If you want to run Your Subject from Home as a 3-4 day, or two week, event we are happy to help, just get in touch
Here are some other Conference from Home events we have run, or will be running, soon…
Cosmology Talks and Miniworkshops
With Cosmology Talks we do it differently. We have an edited, technical interview with the authors of recent papers – the cosmology podcast for cosmologists. This is then followed up with a two hour Miniworkshop where the cosmology community can discuss the talk and paper with the authors and some adjacent experts.